
Our Work

Access to Justice

Sustainable Development Goal-16 mandates the promotion of inclusive institutions, which are effective in dealing with the challenges of violence and are accountable to the people for their safety and security. CSNR aims to create a more just, equitable, and effective law enforcement system that promotes public safety while respecting civil rights and individual liberties. Police reform work initiated in the year 2015, mostly engaged in campaign and advocacy work. CSNR's larger objective;

  • Creating awareness of the responsibilities of police institutions, and their role in strengthening the rule of law and mitigating the suffering of the people.
  • Accountability and Transparency: It is important to establish greater accountability for law enforcement agencies and officers. This can involve implementing body cameras in all PS and improving transparency in internal investigations, and disciplinary actions.
  • Community Engagement: Engaging with the community in the reform process is crucial. Public input, oversight boards, and community policing programs help to bridge the gap between law enforcement and the communities they serve, CSNR arranges awareness meetings and interface activities to reduce the gap.
  • Fair Policing Practices: Ensuring that policing practices are fair and equitable, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, or socioeconomic status, is a fundamental reform objective CSNR has been engaged with.
  • Data Collection and Analysis: Helping the department by collecting improved data and analyzing it to identify patterns of crime, misconduct, and abuse in police districts. Which helps the department to reduce crime in sensitive areas.

To ensure the citizens of Koraput district, regardless of their social or economic status, can access legal services, exercise their rights, and seek redress for grievances in a fair and equitable manner. With this aim, CSNR started its Access to Justice program in 14 blocks of Koraput district. The specific needs and objectives of access to justice program are ;

  • Reducing Legal Barriers: Many marginalized communities in Koraput district may face legal barriers that prevent them from accessing justice. Access to justice work aims to identify and eliminate these barriers, whether they are related to language, culture, geography, or social status.
  • Legal Awareness and Education: One of the primary objectives is to raise awareness about legal rights and responsibilities. This includes educating people about their rights in areas such as constitutional rights, social rights, land ownership, employment, and family dispute matters.
  • Legal Aid Services: Providing legal aid services to those who cannot afford legal representation is a crucial aspect of access to justice work. This ensures that even the most disadvantaged individuals can access legal support in needed.
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR): Promoting ADR mechanisms, such as mediation and arbitration, can help resolve disputes more efficiently and cost-effectively, reducing the burden on the formal court system.
  • Improving Legal Infrastructure: Enhancing the capacity and efficiency of the local justice system, including courts and legal aid organizations, is a key objective. This may involve infrastructure development, training of legal professionals, and technology integration.
  • Legal Empowerment: Empowering local communities to advocate for their own rights and engage in legal processes is an important goal. This includes training individuals and community leaders on legal procedures and advocacy.
  • Community-Based Justice Initiatives: Promoting community-based justice mechanisms like “Gramya Nyalya” and reconciliation processes that align with local customs and traditions can be effective in resolving disputes in a way that is culturally sensitive and acceptable to the community.
  • Collaboration and Partnerships: Building partnerships between government & non-governmental organizations, legal professionals, and community leaders is crucial for the success of access to justice initiatives.